Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (2024)

Road Map

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Estimated achievement difficulty for 1000/1000: 6/10 [Achievement Difficulty Rating]
Offline: 59 [1000Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (1)]
Approximate time to 1000Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (2): 60-80 Hours [Estimated Time to 100%]
Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 2
Missable achievements: Yes
Does difficulty affect Achievements: Yes
Unobtainable/Glitched Achievements: No
Glitchy Achievements: No
Extra equipment needed?: No

The critically acclaimed action-RPG Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen combines exhilarating and deep combat with the freedom to explore the huge open world of Gransys in 1080p HD graphics. Choose between nine different classes and embark on your own adventure along with three AI companions, known as Pawns. Use the deep combat system to wield devastating skills and magicks to take on fabled monsters or climb onto them for an up close and personal attack! All previously released paid DLC is included, making this the ultimate version of Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen.

After selecting "New Game" from the main menu to start playing Dragon's Dogma for the first time, NEVER select it again. You may think this would be the option for NG+ but it's not, select "Load Game" and it will ask if you want to use your existing save data. Same for switching to Hard difficulty (which can be done at any time), you'll select "Hard Mode" from the menu and it will start the game over but keep all your character data and inventory.

Character Selection:
You can pick any type of character you'd like, but I will say up front that a mage would be ideal. They become quite overpowered later in the game, especially if you were one the entire time so that when you level you get stats toward magic power. They have a spell that only takes about four seconds to charge, and literally can not miss - it's basically a homing missile. If you're playing on Hard and letting pawns do all the work (Step 1a), you'll grow a very powerful wizard or witch that can actually do some damage eventually. I used a ranger and even after getting to Level 70, I still felt quite useless in Bitterblack Isle, even on Easy, and Hard mode was like I didn't exist.

Step 1a: Hard Playthrough
I would HIGHLY suggest only starting here if you have two people on your friends list with high-level pawns that you will be able to recruit. I was lucky enough to get a maxed out Mage and Fighter to add to my party, and they were a huge help - in fact, they literally did everything for me for the majority of this playthrough. Enemies on this difficulty will kill you extremely quickly, and I mean all of them. A small group of bats can take you out in seconds, and most of the bigger enemies will one-shot you. If you start here, you'll need that extra firepower, and you'll want to save often even with them, as a random leaping skeleton or chimera will destroy you.

You need to complete every quest in the game, so check "The Hero" for a walkthrough there. Also be wary of the "Peace" and "Solitude" achievements that award false endings to the game. Since we'll be doing a second playthrough, you'll want to put your portcrystals down in vital positions that you'll return to. I like using the Waycastle, Devilfire Grove, Bluemoon Tower, Hillfigure Knoll, and the Greatwall. You'll still have some walking to do for certain things, but this helps a ton both in your first play, and the speedrun. Also be sure to make forgeries of the five Altar Slates for the Watergod's Altar quest, the ring for The Wyrmking's Ring quest, the Blessed Flower for the Talent in Bloom quest, and have or make copies of 20 Wakestones for the Fathom Deep quest.

Speaking of Fathom Deep, completing that is somewhat of a "point of no return" in the game (or more specifically, jumping in the portal created when you complete the quest). You'll be sort of in the "post-game" before that and can work on killing the extra bosses (hydra, evil eye, wyrm, wyvern, drake, and ur-dragon), and buying as much equipment as possible.

Step 1b: Easy Playthrough + Bitterblack Isle
If you don't have any friends who have played the game and have high-level pawns (and can't find any via the trading thread), this should be your first step. You'll want to follow all the other tips in Step 1a, but since the difficulty is not so severe, you'll be able to actually hold your own against the enemies. Since you're already on the lower difficulty, combine this with the first half of Step 2a and complete Bitterblack Isle now. Don't bother playing on Normal unless you find Easy too boring (you don't get more experience on Normal vs. Easy), and don't bother to do the grinding just yet since we can't switch to Hard.

Step 2a: NG+ Easy Bitterblack Isle and NG++ Hard Grinding
Once you beat the game on Hard, you should be Level 55-65 or so. Since Bitterblack Isle is so difficult, I'd suggest starting a NG+ and set the difficulty to Easy. You can access BBI right away from the docks of Cassardis at night. You'll need to run through at least twice to defeat all the bosses, including the second form of the final boss. You'll also need to hunt down Death - check "Cheat Death" for tips on that.

Once you've completed all the BBI-specific achievements, you'll now need to get to Level 200. You might be near 100 by now, but you've got a long way to go. Check "200" for grinding tips, and be sure to select "Hard" difficulty from the menu to start another new game, as you get double the experience on Hard.

Step 2b: NG+ Hard Playthrough and Hard Grinding
If you didn't have high-level pawns to cheese the game for you, after beating the story and doing all the quests, you should have leveled up enough that Hard difficulty is doable. Beat the game again, and since you already did Bitterblack Isle in the first step, you can now jump right into the grind to Level 200 for your last achievement.

Step 3: Speedrun
I'll lay out some specific steps for this in the description for "The Sprinter" below. Assuming you took my tips in Step 1a and placed portcrystals in advantageous locations and made copies of a few key quest items, you'll be able to knock this out in about an hour or so.

[XBA would like to thank The Pants Party for this Roadmap]

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There are 59 achievements with a total of 1000 points

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (4)

    The Laborer


    Completed 50 notice board quests.

    Notice Boards can be found in Cassardis, The Encampment, and four are found in Gran Soren at the Inn, Alehouse, and two in the Pawn Guild (one upstairs, and one downstairs).

    You can hold (I think) six quests from each board at the same time, so whenever you complete one, return to grab another (if you can remember which board your got it from). Most of the quests are simple tasks of killing specific enemies, though some are long and require finding many hidden items. Others are for escorting various NPCs to specific locations. If you have a portcrystal at the requested destination, you can simply accept the quest, teleport there and it will complete immediately.

    The board downstairs in the Pawn Guild will have the easiest ones to complete, which are all from the DLC included with this version of the game. You simply need to head to the marked location (when tracking the quest) and pick up a small item.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (5)

    The Hero


    Completed all pre-planned, non-notice board quests.

    For this achievement, refer to this page on the wiki. You will want to complete the quests in this exact order, and read up on each one before doing the next. Many quests will auto-fail if you move the main story along too far, so be very careful with doing anything before you know how it will affect the side-quests.

    The biggest spot I think that could cause you to mess up this achievement (which I did on my first playthrough on the 360 version) happens during the quest "Come to Court" when exiting the Duke's mansion. You will see a short cutscene where the camera pans over to a lady in the garden. You must immediately go speak with her. If you don't and exit the mansion grounds, a quest that her servant offers later on will not trigger. This is by far the most sensitive quest in the game, while most simply need to be done after one main story quest but before completing another (in other words, follow the order on the wiki).

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (6)

    Human Resources


    Changed your vocation.

    This option is available from the Innkeeper in Gran Soren. By using some of your Discipline Points, you can switch your class. If you started as a Fighter for instance, you can switch to a Mage or anything else (the advanced vocations cost more). Changing vocations allows you to learn new skills that you can then equip no matter what class you are assigned as. The achievement unlocks immediately upon switching, and you can switch right back if you wish. Be wary of switching as most gear can only be worn by specific classes and you may find yourself naked upon switching!

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (7)

    The Specialist


    Learned all the skills of a single vocation.

    Similar to changing your vocation, you can also learn skills for your current vocation with Discipline Points, via the Innkeeper in Gran Soren. Discipline Points are earned automatically any time you gain experience (through quests or kills), but at a much lower rate (1000xp = ~80DP). Since you need to hit Level 200 for another achievement, you'll get more than enough DP to get this along the way.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (8)

    The Veteran


    Defeated 3,000 enemies.

    You definitely won't get this many kills during your first playthrough. If you started on Hard, you'll want to grind this out at the end of the game. If after completing all quests up to Fathom Deep, doing Bitterblack Isle, and grinding to Level 200 you still haven't hit it, you'll want to head to the Noble's Quarter. At this point of the game, you will be an enemy of the Duke and a non-stop stream of soldiers will be spawning from the church and the Duke's mansion. You can rack up a hundred kills every few minutes this way.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (9)

    Local Recruit


    Directly enlisted a pawn to your party.


    For this achievement, you must enlist a Pawn to your party outside of the Rift. Many of the random NPCs you see walking around the world are actually recruitable. There should be a few in the Encampment, right after being able to access the Rift for the first time.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (10)

    Foreign Recruit


    Enlisted a pawn to your party from beyond the rift.


    For this achievement, you can enlist any Pawn from inside the Rift. This includes "free" Pawns such as those on your friends list, or by using Rift Crystals.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (11)

    The Captain


    Enlisted a large number of pawns.

    For this achievement, you must hire a total of 70 Pawns. You can actually just hire the same Pawn over and over if you'd like. I would suggest doing this in "Offline" mode (found in the Game Settings), because you won't have to rate each pawn as you release them from service. You can still go to the Rift and just hire anyone who walks by, releasing the previous hire. Repeat until it unlocks.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (12)

    Inhuman Resources


    Changed your main pawn's vocation.

    This is done the same way as "Human Resources" but for your pawn instead of your character. Hit Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (13) on that screen to switch to your pawn.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (14)

    The Savior


    Used a Wakestone to restore the dead to life.

    If you die with a Wakestone in your inventory, this achievement will unlock automatically. Alternatively, completing an early quest titled "Reaper's Scorn" will also unlock it.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (15)

    The Knave


    Obtained a forgery.

    You can unlock this achievement by paying Mountebank at the Black Cat in Gran Soren to copy an "important" item for you. This generally means a quest item or something like a Wakestone. If you get up on the roof of the Black Cat, you'll also be able to loot a chest in the attic that has a Wakestone forgery in it, which will unlock the achievement automatically.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (16)

    The Artisan


    Combined two materials to make an item.

    There are many different combinations for this, but the easiest is to simply fill a lantern with oil. You'll find Flask of Oil often, or can use an Empty Flask and fill it by finding a jug of oil around towns. Select the lantern in your inventory and choose "Combine" and then a list of acceptable items (the Flask of Oil) will appear. Select that and the lantern will fill, unlocking the achievement.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (17)

    Well Equipped


    Obtained 350 pieces total of weapons and armor.

    For this achievement, you do not need to have all 350 pieces on hand at the same time. However, keeping them in your storage at the Inn will help you to not purchase the same thing multiple times. I'd also suggest not worrying about this until after you've done almost every other achievement. You'll get a lot of money and unique equipment from defeating the various bosses and selling their materials, as well as doing Bitterblack Isle. You'll likely only get about 100-150 pieces of gear playing normally (just be sure to loot everything you can find!), so you'll need to empty out some stores for the rest.

    With a few million gold on hand, head to any of the game's stores. The best one would be Caxton in Grand Soren (especially if you give him the Gold Idol, which expands his inventory). Purchase one of everything with "0(0)" listed in one section (such as weapons). This means you do not have any in your possession (the first number being items you're holding, and the one in parentheses being your storage), and the item will count toward your 350. Now sell them all back and do the same for the next item (such as helmets). Rinse and repeat until you've possessed every item he sells at least once. If that doesn't get you to 350, head to the next shop you can find.

    Other shops to try would be Madeleine and Mountebank (both in Gran Soren), Astella (Cassardis), and Alon (Ancient Quarry). This should be more than enough to hit 350 in total.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (18)

    A Queen's Regalia


    Dressed a male party member in women's clothing.

    You will get this during the quest "Thick as Thieves" if you have any male party members. You will need to buy a Set of Lady's Garb from the Black Cat in Gran Soren as a disguise. If you're all-female, that step isn't require for the quest, but you can get the clothes from the same spot and simply replace a pawn with a man for a minute, dress him up, then switch back to your main pawn.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (19)

    The Philanthropist


    Gave 50 presents.

    You can give presents to pretty much every NPC in the game. They all seem to accept the same items, and it's random stuff like skulls, scrolls, fish, and potions. The easiest thing to do is buy 50 Harspud Juice from the apothecary in Gran Soren and then just give them all (sadly one by one) to the same person. Only takes a few minutes.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (20)

    The Escort


    Acted as a reliable travel companion.

    This achievement is unlocked by completing any Escort quest off the notice boards. Some are pretty easy if they request a location that you already have a portcrystal at. You can accept the quest and meet the client, then just teleport to the crystal and it will automatically complete.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (21)

    Affinity and Beyond


    Raised a person's affinity to the maximum.

    You will get this achievement automatically at the same time as "The Patron" for opening Madelein's shop. If you want to get it earlier, you'll likely get it when doing "The Philanthropist" for giving 50 gifts to the same person. Additionally, if you speak to Aelinore multiple times during the "Come to Court" quest, that should unlock it as well.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (22)

    Into Dripstone Cave


    Entered the azure caverns.


    You will visit this location during the "Deep Trouble" and "Deeper Trouble" quests.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (23)

    Into the Ancient Quarry


    Entered the ancient quarry.

    You will visit this location during the "Of Merchants and Monsters" and "The Wyrmking's Ring" quests.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (24)

    Into Soulflayer Canyon


    Entered the Soulflayer Canyon.

    You will visit this location during the "Search Party" and "The Conspirators" quest.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (25)

    Into the Manse


    Entered the duke's manse.

    You will visit this location during the "duch*ess in Distress" quest.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (26)

    Into the Frontier Caverns


    Entered the southwestern caves.

    This location is optional during the game, but can be visited easily during the "A Fortress Besieged" quest when the Goblin Chieftan runs away. Exit the Fort and a new hole will be dug to the right of the stairs (when looking at the fort). You may also visit this during the end-game to kill a hydra for the "Headshunter" achievement (via a notice board quest called "A Challenge"), though that can also be done in the Everfall so again, isn't required.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (27)

    The Tourist


    Visited 50 locations.

    Refer to "The Explorer" for more information.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (28)

    The Vagabond


    Visited 100 locations.

    Refer to "The Explorer" for more information.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (29)

    The Explorer


    Visited 150 locations.

    Assuming you'll be getting all the other achievements, this will easily come along the way. Doing "The Hero" alone will get about 130-140, and the rest will come from Bitterblack Isle. If you still somehow don't have the achievement, check your map for any undiscovered sections (the southern section of Devilfire Grove, for instance - basically anywhere the story and side-quests don't automatically take you), and just walk around uncovering everything to flesh out the last few needed.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (30)

    The Ever-Turning Wheel


    Completed the adventure a second time.

    Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (31)

    You will unlock this with "The Sprinter" or if you did not do your first playthrough on Hard, you'll get it then. If you opt for two regular playthroughs, make sure you select "Load" from the main menu and NOT "New Game" on your second go, or else you'll erase your first playthrough and all associated data.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (32)

    The Coin Collector


    Earned a total of 10,000,000G.

    This will come along the way toward the rest of your achievements. You earn more gold from enemies on Hard mode, so you'll see large bags of gold worth 10k each drop from many enemies (even normal goblins and wolves). You'll also get a lot of money from quests and notice board missions. Once you have a few million and begin to work on the 350 pieces of equipment, you'll get the rest of the way by selling all those items to purchase more. This is cumulative, so you don't need 10m on hand to unlock it.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (33)

    The Patron


    Helped Madeleine open her shop.

    This achievement will come along the way as you do "The Hero" for all side-quests. It requires "Guard Duty" and "Chasing Shadows" to be done. Once you complete the second quest, you may need to leave Gran Soren for her to actually move to the counter and become a true shopkeeper. Prior to that, she kinda just stands near it and the shop won't show up properly on the town map.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (34)

    Cheat Death


    Defeated Death in Bitterblack Isle.

    Death is an extremely difficult and annoying boss located in Bitterblack Isle. On your first trip, you will see scripted spawns of him in a few locations. Much like the Ur-Dragon, this boss is meant to be fought over multiple encounters. You will likely do very little damage unless you are a super-high level, but there is a way to cheese him quite easily.

    For legitimate strategies, see this wiki entry for tips. Otherwise, watch this short video for how to kill him in one shot when he spawns over an abyss. Make sure you always set the difficult to Hard and use Veteran's Periapt or Pilgrim's Charm to double the experience gained (about 1.6 million).

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (35)



    Defeated Daimon for the first time.

    Daimon is the main boss of Bitterblack Isle. You will need to get through the Gazer and Dark Bishop fights and make your way all the way to the end, the Bitterblack Sanctum. He is actually a somewhat easy battle except for one move: his void vortex. This move is forewarned by him flying up in the air and his hands glowing green. When you see him do this, run as far away as possible and use Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (36) to call your pawns to you. Once he slams his hands to the ground, he creates a vortex that will send anyone caught in it back to the rift, aka kill them - and this includes you. If you're counting on your pawns to help with this fight and they get stuck, just let him kill you and try again.

    The easiest way to damage him is with melee attacks, so if you are using any mage pawns, it may be worth switching them out. I noticed my mage even climbing on him and trying to do melee damage during the fight, so even they know they're not that great with his high magic defense. Basically, climb onto his head and hack him to death.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (37)

    True Conqueror


    Defeated Daimon in his true form.


    After beating Daimon once, you can repeat Bitterblack Isle any number of times. From the second time on, Daimon will have a second, true form. You will still fight the same battle you did for "Conqueror" but then after you kill that form, he'll level up and grow a dragon face in his chest (seriously). This second form is much the same as the first, though magic becomes even more useless against him, and he uses it himself more often and with greater damage. His vortex move is also powered up and covers more of the arena, so you'll need to run even further away if possible. Otherwise, same strategy applies - climb on him and smack his face.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (38)

    Hardened Veteran


    Completed game in Hard Mode.


    Hard mode in this game is no joke. Enemies have huge health pools and deal a ridiculous amount of damage. A swarm of bats can kill you in a few hits, and most large enemies will one-shot you. As I mentioned in the Road Map, do not attempt this difficulty unless you have two high-level pawns to recruit off your friends list, or on your second playthrough after leveling up your main character quite a bit. The game only needs to be completed, so if you did a full playthrough on another difficulty first and you're doing this in NG+ you can just do the main story only.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (39)



    Reached LV 100.

    Refer to "200" more information.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (40)



    Reached LV 200.


    Completing all the other achievements in Dragon's Dogma will likely only bring you to Level 80-90, so you're going to have a hell of a grind to finish this out. However, with the right setup, it's not so bad. First and foremost, make sure you are grinding on Hard difficulty for +100% experience. Also, if possible, grind by yourself, since you get +25% for each pawn you get rid of (throw your main pawn off a bridge and simply release the other two). Finally, always try to have Weal active for another +100% whenever possible, especially when killing a boss. There are numerous ways to get this buff, with the Blessed Flower lasting the longest and being the most profitable. Otherwise pop one of the charms you can buy.

    The commonly accepted practice for leveling is farming Daimon in Bitterblack Isle for the remainder of your experience. However, I'll say I could personally never get this to work. Even when I hit Level 130 through other means, I was still doing no damage to his True form. There are multiple tips and strategy sections on his wiki page here, including videos of extremely fast kills though if you want to give this a try. Once you have killed him for the second time to unlock "True Conqueror" the shortcuts remain unlocked, so you can start at the beginning of the third section (after the Dark Bishop fight), then just run past all the enemies straight to Daimon to kill him again.

    You could also use The Black Abbey to farm easier enemies. This location respawns a random group of enemies every time you enter/exit, so you can get constant experience. Again, be on Hard with Weal active. The best enemies to fight are the Eleminators or Gorecyclops since they go down fairly quickly with good Pawns. The Living Armors can be good if you can pull one at a time. If the entire group gets activated, they'll tear through you.

    So, the method I used? Farming Death. There is a scripted appearance of Death above the abyss in the Fortress of Remembrance, and using a Strider you can fire one or two simple shots of Fivefold Flurry while equipped with Blast Arrows and two Barbed Nails, you'll stun death and she will fall to her death. Assuming you are on Hard difficulty with no pawns and a Weal, you'll be getting about 2.5 million experience each kill for her, and 500k for the Gazer before that. Now, the caveat to this is that you only get this scripted appearance on each new game you start. So, you'll want to take these steps:

    1. Start a new game on Hard. If you were already on Hard difficulty, you'll need to switch to Normal first for the option to become available at the Main Menu.
    2. Get through the scripted sections of the prologue, then grab all your gear out of storage and complete the Encampment section.
    3. Go back to Cassardis, sleep until night, and grab the ferry from the dock to Bitterblack Isle. Grab the Blessed Flower out of storage (or whatever you're using to get Weal).
    4. Run past all enemies, get Void Key, kill Pawns, and solo the Gazer. Use a few Conqueror's Periapt to increase your damage, but just climb into its "mouth" and hack at its eye for a quick kill.
    5. Once you're done with the Gazer, the next area is the Fortress of Remembrance, so equip your Blast Arrows and once Death appears, knock her into the abyss for a bunch of levels.
    6. Repeat steps 1-5.

    The first time I did this, I was Level 80 and jumped to 107 just from the Death kill. The second time I was Level 130 (I had tried some other leveling methods first) and went to 145 from the Gazer and Death kills combined. Obviously it will slow down as you level up, since each level will take more to complete, but this run can be done in about 20 minutes easily, especially the more you do it. I recorded myself doing just that, which I've included below.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (41)

    Eye Gouger


    Defeated the Gazer in Bitterblack Isle.

    The Gazer is the first main boss in Bitterblack Isle. This is a gigantic version of the Evil Eye we fought in the Everfall, and its eyeball is located inside of a giant ocular cavity that resembles a mouth this time. However, you can still climb on it, inside the mouth, and right onto that annoying eye to deal out some serious damage. You should fight this battle on the ground floor (rather than any of the ramps) though when he starts to spew out the green poison, head for higher ground.

    If you can't seem to do enough damage to the eye on your own, at some point during the fight the Gazer will begin to summon a "light cannon" of sorts to try and use against you. If you destroy the tentacles that are working on the summoning, you can then attack the cannon and it will backfire against the Gazer for massive damage. This is how I killed it the first time before realizing I could climb into its mouth the second time.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (42)

    The Inquisitor


    Defeated the Dark Bishop in Bitterblack Isle.

    The Dark Bishop is the second main boss in Bitterblack Isle. This boss spawns with a dragon, though a very weak one compared to any we've fought before. This dragon has no heart, so attack it anywhere. The Bishop will resurrect the dragon when killed and hide himself inside the dragon periodically. If you kill the dragon with the Bishop inside, he will be forced out and stunned, allowing you to do a great deal of damage before he recovers. This is by far the easiest boss in BBI, with really no troublesome attacks.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (43)

    The Sprinter


    Completed game in Speedrun mode.

    Speedrun mode is a one-life, no-save run through of the game. You can pause, but if you close the game or die without a Wakestone in your inventory, you will need to start over. Try to always have a wakestone in your inventory just in case you mess up and get killed. This is automatically set to Normal difficulty in Offline mode, with no Online pawns available. It will use whatever save data you have in your main slot, so this is best done after you've maxed out your character, especially since you can't cheese it with maxed Online pawns from your friends list. Even after just one playthrough though, you should be Level 50-60 and the free Offline pawns at this level can hold their own as well.

    Since it will use your save data from your complete game, you should have portcrystals in the important locations, and if you followed my suggestion in the Road Map, you made copies of a few important quest items. I'd also suggest buying the Maker's Finger from Fournier which will one-shot the dragon. You only need to complete the main quest, so skip everything else and follow the quick steps below and you should knock this out in about an hour.

    1. Go to the Encampment, use the Rift Stone and get Pawns, kill the Hydra, then escort it to Gran Soren. If you're a mage with a heal spell or you have some Spring Water, you can kick the ox to make it run a short distance, then heal it and repeat to speed this section up.
    2. Speak to the Innkeeper and grab your Eternal Ferrystone and Wakestones, go to Pawn Guild, and then jump to the bottom of the Everfall (you'll die, resurrect with Wakestone), interact with the blue cracks in the ground, then Ferrystone back up top.
    3. Go to the Noble Quarter to accept the quests "The Cypher" (decipher a text) and "The Watergod's Altar" (aid a research team) and complete them. Since we have portcrystals at both these locations and copies of the altar slates, these will only take a few minutes.
    4. Return to Gran Soren to turn both quests in and go see the Duke. Grab "Griffin's Bane" and "Trial and Tribulations" and complete those. You have a portcrystal at Bluemoon if the Griffin gets away, and you can simply sleep four days at the Inn to skip the other quest (make sure you buy the Maker's Finger first because Fournier will die since you ignore him).
    5. Return to Gran Soren again to turn the last two quests in and grab "The Wyrmking's Ring" and "Pride Before a Fall" quests. Assuming you made a copy of the ring during your first playthrough like I suggested, that one's done. Teleport to Hillfigure Knoll then run to Windbluff Tower to quickly complete the other.
    6. Back to Gran Soren one more time to turn in the above two quests. You'll be sent to the Waycastle which was a fake-out, so teleport back to Gran Soren and fight the co*ckatrice in the field, then head to the Duke and follow him for your reward.
    7. The next two quests both take place at the Greatwall. Both times, run past as many enemies as you can, only killing what's necessary. The second time, use the Maker's Finger on the dragon during his monologue to skip that whole battle.
    8. Now you'll want to make sure you have the 20 Wakestones that you should have kept from your first playthrough. Turn those in to activate the portal in the Everfall, kill the final boss, then stab yourself to complete the game.
  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (44)

    It Begins


    Completed the prologue.

    This achievement is story-related and cannot be missed.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (45)



    Departed from Cassardis.

    This achievement is story-related and cannot be missed.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (46)

    A New Ally


    Summoned your own pawn.

    This achievement is story-related and cannot be missed.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (47)

    Getting a Head


    Earned the approval of the Enlistment Corps.

    This achievement is story-related and cannot be missed.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (48)

    The Courier


    Entered Gran Soren.

    This achievement is story-related and cannot be missed.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (49)

    Writ Large


    Received a writ from the castle.

    This achievement is story-related and cannot be missed.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (50)

    Come Courting


    Attended an audience with the duke.

    This achievement is story-related and cannot be missed.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (51)

    The Message


    Received the duke's commendation.

    This achievement is story-related and cannot be missed.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (52)

    Rough Landing


    Completed the urgent mission.

    This achievement is story-related and cannot be missed.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (53)



    Accepted the Godsbane blade.

    This achievement is story-related and cannot be missed.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (54)



    Peered into the very depths of the world.

    This achievement is story-related and cannot be missed.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (55)



    Escaped the yoke of eternity.

    This achievement is story-related and cannot be missed.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (56)



    Dealt the blow of deliverance.

    This achievement is story-related and cannot be missed.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (57)



    Obtained the almighty power of sovereignty.

    During the main story quest "The Final Battle" you will be given a choice by the dragon. You can either walk forward to fight him, turn around and walk away, or pick up the NPC on the ground and carry them to the dragon. If you choose either of the final two options, you will get a false ending to the game (a short cutscene and a trip to Cassardis, leave town for a game over screen).

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (58)



    Soar unto a new world.

    For this achievement, you must die at any point during the fight with the Seneschal at the end of the game. You can die during the first or second phases (when it's a 1v1 fight) or during the final phase (2v2). You'll get another false ending and a game over screen.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (59)



    Took refuge in an illusion.

    During the main story quest "Final Judgment" you will be given a choice during the "Trial of Resolve" where you can either walk forward past all the NPCs that will attack you, or turn around and walk away. If you choose to walk away, you will get a false ending to the game (a short cutscene, and a trip to Cassardis - leave town for a game over screen).

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (60)



    Put an end to all things.

    This achievement is story-related and cannot be missed.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (61)



    Defeated a hydra or archydra.

    The easiest way to unlock this achievement is by killing the hydra that challenges you via the notice board in the Gran Soren Pawn Guild during the post-game. If the quest isn't there (it's called "A Challenge"), you may need to complete another quest first and then it will be available. Alternatively, you can fight one in Bitterblack Isle's Rotunda of Dread at any time (though the enemies spawn randomly so you may need to reset it multiple times until you get it). As for the archydra, that can be found in the Chamber of Hesitation in the Everfall at any time in the post-game (after beating the dragon).

    The best way to kill the hydras is to have large AOE spells from a powerful mage, or have a fighter climb their necks and cut their heads off. They don't have too many dangerous attacks though.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (62)

    Eye Contact


    Defeated an evil eye.

    Evil Eyes can only be found in the Everfall (Chamber of Confusion and Chamber of Sorrow) or the Rotunda of Dread on Bitterblack Isle (again, may need to reset it to get the right monster to spawn).

    These enemies are much harder than hydras. They are immune to attack unless they themselves are attacking, so when it prepares an eye beam, rush in and take a shot. Once you staggar it, you can get a good deal of damage in. If your mage can use a Holy enchant on your weapons, this helps as well.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (63)

    Serpents' Bane


    Defeated a drake, wyrm, and wyvern.

    For this achievement, you need to defeat at least one of each of these enemies. It doesn't matter which order or which type of the monsters you kill. All three of these enemies are killed in much the same manner as the dragon from the main quest (or see the Ur-Dragon strategy). Basically, find the hearts (glowing weak spots) and hammer them to deal damage. Large AOE attacks and strong fighters climbing on them are your best bets at quick damage.

    • A Drake is present in Devilfire Grove all throughout the game. You can try to kill it the first time you see it or wait until later when you're stronger, depending on your pawn situation. Post-game, you can find one in the Estan Plains, one in the Conqueror's Sanctuary, one in the Chamber of fate (Everfall), and one in the Rotunda of Dread (Bitterblack Isle).
    • Wyrms can only be found in the post-game. The first and easiest (because it can't fly away) is found at the Watergod's Altar. Others can be found in the Chamber of Distress (Everfall) or the Rotunda of Dread (Bitterblack Isle).
    • Wyverns are also only found post-game. The easiest to get to is at the top of Bluemoon Tower. Others are found roaming Estan Plains and Conquest Road, or in the Rotunda of Dread (Bitterblack Isle).
  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (64)

    The Messiah


    Defeated the Ur-Dragon.

    The Ur-Dragon is a more powerful version of the dragon you fight during the main story. You will find it in the Everfall, Chamber of Lament. There are two versions of this boss, an online version and an offline version. The basic strategy will be the same for both: find the glowing spots and attack them. Unlike the story dragon who only has one spot, this dragon has THIRTY of them. They start hidden under his skin, but will start glowing as you do damage to the various parts of his body. Anywhere there is grey skin, a heart is hiding. When a heart is destroyed, the skin turns black. You'll know you're hitting a good spot if purple blood spews out with each hit. Dead spots will have no effect and a metallic sound when you make contact. The two spots on the tips of either wing are the hardest to hit, and will require a ranged character.

    Online: This dragon has an insanely high health pool, which is shared with everyone who is playing the game online. You will do almost no damage unless you're in the high 100's for your character level, and it will take many, many attempts before it is killed - unless there are a lot of people coordinating to kill it at the same time as you. I would very much not suggest going for this method to unlock the achievement, despite the rewards being better.

    Offline: This dragon will be manageable solo if your character level is in the high 40's or more. If you're lower than that, it may take 3-4 trips to fully kill the dragon, as it runs away after about 10-15 minutes. This dragon will award 20 Wakestones, which is exactly what you need for the final story mission. You can kill it a second time to have an extra 20 available for your speedrun. You can also farm this boss to sell Wakestones at 30k a pop, a large chunk for all the materials it drops, plus the weapon it rewards is worth 500k - usually around 2 million total for each kill.

  • Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (65)

    Dragon Forged


    Strengthened equipment in wyrmfire.

    This achievement is story-related and cannot be missed.

Elden Ring
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Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Achievement Guide & Road Map (2024)


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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

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Job: International Farming Consultant

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Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.